Sunday, January 5, 2014

Have a Wonderful New Year 2014!

In 12SC we are excited about the new year. Let us make this upcoming 2014 the Year of Action.
Here is a quick game plan to start new year off on the right foot:

1 - Write down your goals! What do you want to accomplish in 2014?

2 - Plan to show up. Everyday! Nothing breeds more failure in this business than people who go all in for a short amount of time and then give up. This is a marathon and you need to have the stamina to keep going.

3 - Start to invest in YOU! This means you will have to spend money on your business and yourself. Upgrade in 12Second Commute, get the resp. Capture Pages, use 12SC Ad Tracker and advertise ....It is not a pretty answer, but there is a reason why those that take action see results!

And finally...Have fun! While 2014 will be about action taking, the most important thing is that you enjoy what you do. 12SC team will be here to help you on your way...but it all starts with YOU!

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